“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought.” Romans 8:26

I think I’ve been reading this verse wrong. I used to think it meant that the Spirit helps us when we aren’t sure what to pray for. I thought about times when I wanted to pray, but I just couldn’t’ come up with the words. But this passage makes a stronger point. We don’t know how to pray as we ought. Even when we pray we are usually doing it wrong. Not incorrectly, but because of our sinful nature and brokenness we never pray in a way that is perfectly aligned with God’s will and desire. That’s ok though, because the Spirit helps us. The Spirit prays for us, so that our prayer is more like Jesus’ “Not my will, but yours be done.” I know that when I pray it’s usually my will that I want to be done. May the Spirit change our prayers so that the only thing we seek is God’s will.

-Pastor Travis

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