Michaela Eskew

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1

I’ve never been great at memorizing scriptures, but John 1 is the exception. There is something so poetic and beautiful about the imagery that John gives us for the Son of God. The Word is both amorphous and completely present. This Word is completely united with the God of the Hebrew Bible and yet entirely new. The Word is the true light to which we can see all things and yet not understood at all by the people who encounter it. This is the Messiah, the one true God, who came to be with-us, Immanuel.

-Michaela Eskew

Looking for last weeks worship? You can find it here!

Pastor Travis Norton

“Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife,” Matthew 1:20 

I understand completely why Joseph would have been afraid to take Mary as his wife. He is a righteous man, meaning he wants to do what God wants him to do. How do you know what God wants you to do? You read the Bible, you listen to your leaders, you uphold the standards set by your community. But now Joseph is in this quandary. It seems whatever action he takes will be wrong. Sometimes, doing the right thing isn’t obvious. Sometimes, doing the right thing is considered wrong by others. God intervenes for Joseph and gives him guidance and permission and he obeyed. What can we learn from Joseph’s brave obedience? 

-Pastor Travis

Looking for last weeks worship? You can find it here!

Pastor Travis Norton

“The Jesus began to reproach the cities in which most of his deeds of power had been done, because they did not repent” Matthew 11:20

Oh Advent, you’ve done it again. Instead of sweet baby Jesus drifting off to sleep under the star of Bethlehem we get fiery Jesus warning unrepentant people of judgement and condemnation. I think we need these passages of scripture that reveal a harsher Jesus, so that we know for whom it is we are waiting. Jesus is not some milk toast preacher who goes along to get along. He’s not someone that we can mold into any shape of affirmation for ourselves. Jesus is himself. Jesus’ main message was the same as that of the surly John the Baptist. Repent! Turn around. Change your ways. Change your orientation. Change your defaults. Turn away from yourself and your sin and turn towards God revealed in Christ. That is how we prepare for the return of Jesus. It’s always a good idea to get to know the person you’re preparing to receive. Otherwise you might be surprised by the One who actually shows up.

-Pastor Travis

Looking for last weeks worship? You can find it here!

Pastor Travis’ statement following the Club Q shooting

Dear friends,

Fear, hate and violence have again reared their ugly heads in our community of Colorado Springs. We mourn with the victims of the shooting at Club Q, and especially grieve with the LGBTQ+ community who appear to be the targets of the violence. They have suffered so much in our country and their safe places shattered by these heinous acts. May God protect, comfort and heal.

Today is Christ the King Sunday, when our Lord our Savior became a victim himself of fear, hate and violence. On the cross Jesus held up a mirror to our world and the cancers that infect us. Jesus showed us that the God of love does not inflict violence but rather enters into our suffering and stands with those who are hurting the most.

Today, God and God’s church stand with the families mourning the dead and those nursing wounds from last night’s shooting. And today we remember that our God wasn’t only a victim on the cross, but suffered fear, hate and violence in order to overcome and defeat these enemies in the resurrection.

So, we pray for transformation of our world and resurrection from all ways of death. We trust that God stands with all who suffer and hurt today.

Lord have mercy…

-Pastor Travis

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