OWLs Are Back!

The Owl’s (Older Wiser Lutheran’s) met again for the first time in over a year! They went to the US Olympic & Paralympic Museum just in time for the Olympics! A few photos of their trip are below!

Want to attend the event on Tuesday, August 17, 2021 to the Colorado Springs Pioneer Museum? We will meet at the church at 9:30 a.m for a 10:00 a.m. tour.
Here are the details!
Colorado Springs is turning 150 years old this year! The Pioneer Museum is having a special COS@150 exhibit. We will have an introduction in their Division 1 Courtroom then take a self-guided tour through the COS@150 -Exploring Colorado Springs Story Through Objects exhibit. The museum has chosen to examine 150 objects, illuminating 150 stories, exploring 150 years. The stories in the gallery are organized ten per decade. Bring your phone as you are invited to open the QR codes to explore more information at each story.
Where will we have lunch? It is FOOD TRUCK TUESDAY at the museum; take your pick! Please bring your own camping/beach type chair which will be stored in the van during the tour. If you do not have a chair, a folding chair will be provided by FLC on the east side of the museum.
Space is limited. We can take 45 in our buses and 60 total visitors if some drive on their own. The tour is free, but please bring a $5 per person donation to the museum. You can sign up by clicking here as well as an iPad sign up at all Sunday services. You can, of course, call the church at 719.632.8836 to sign up as well. The deadline to sign up is August 11!

Pastor Travis Norton

“Then one of the criminals said “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” he replied, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise” Luke 23:42

As we continue to explore the unique values of Jesus in order to imitate him, we must look to the central event of Jesus’ life. His crucifixion. Jesus called his disciples to pick up their cross and follow him. What does that mean? Theologian Robert Jenson wrote that the real God manifests himself so exclusively in suffering that no one could possibly seek him in self-serving fashion. The cross is where God serves humanity by suffering with and for humanity. To copy Jesus’ work on the cross is to be honest about the real pain and suffering in this world and then move towards it rather than deny or flee from it. This is not always about alleviating suffering but sitting with people in their suffering, so they are not alone. Often, we avoid suffering because we cannot fix it. Jesus entered our suffering and invites us to enter into the suffering of others.

-Pastor Travis

Pastor Travis Norton

“When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.”… John 4:7

As we continue the “Copy That” sermon series looking at Jesus’ unique values this week we look at Jesus’ penchant for crossing boundaries. In the story of the woman at the well, Jesus crosses boundaries of gender, race and religion in his conversation with the woman. Not only was she a woman and a Samaritan, both of which should have precluded Jesus from interacting with her, but she was a woman with a suspect reputation. She had had many husbands, she was alone at the well in the middle of the day. Jesus should have avoided talking to her on these counts alone, less his own reputation be tarnished. But Jesus crosses all those boundaries to share with her the promise of eternal life and the gift of God. We Christians ought to follow Jesus by risking our own reputations for the sake of the gospel. Why do we find that so difficult?

-Pastor Travis

VBS 2021 – That’s a Wrap!

This year Vacation Bible School (VBS) was done completely different, and it was SO much fun. First, this was done at night, so we had dinner and live entertainment. You ate with your family, while meeting new families! After dinner was over, the kids broke out into groups. The older kids got to pick an elective (tech/photography, kitchen/cooking/baking, stage set up/art and acting for the skit) while the younger kids did arts and crafts based on Daniel. All went to bible study and attended the skit at the end of each night based on Daniel. While the kids where learning and playing, the adults went to bible study with Pastor Travis!

Here are a few photos of our week at VBS. We can’t wait for this to return next year. It was so much fun for everyone! Big thank you to all of our families and volunteers who made this possible!

Peel House Update: It’s in the Details – Part 3

Last week we showed the photo below and we had a correct guess! Brass window hardware! Nunn (the contractor) has made it a goal to retain and restore all the old details in the Peel House. When you walk in, you’ll see this old brass hardware, even on the new windows. Gary with Nunn, did this on his free time. We are so lucky to have such a dedicated team working on this project!

For this week… any ideas what this can be? Hint: It’s so GRAND!

“This is my commandment, that you love one another” 
-John 15: 12

When we gather as the body of Christ love abides.  At least it should.  But it’s not always easy, sometimes it is hard to love for any number of reasons.  Hard reasons, good reasons, trying and difficult reasons.  Jesus was not always well loved, think of all the people in the bible who criticized and rejected Jesus, it was a lot.  Through all of it Jesus continued his ministry, he kept the vision of love at the forefront, he led others by example.  Examples of unmerited love, of grace; for everyone.  For everyone.  Not just those who agreed with him or praised him or told everyone how great he was.  Love came to Jesus just as it comes to us, through God who loved us first.  Jesus asks nothing of his disciple community that he has not already modeled in the abiding love which he has with the Father. In this way abiding, loving, and keeping commandments are all bound up together in a mutual relationship.  How can we find and model this love in our relationships?  Jesus loves you and all your neighbors, let’s look together at how we can do the same. 

-Pastor Carrie

Peel House Update: It’s in the Details – Part 2

Last week we showed the photo below. No correct guesses! This is the exposed brick wall in the Youth Center and the beautiful cabinetry next to it. The basement is now warm and inviting!

THIS week’s question… what and where am I?
Hint: most of the windows have these!
Hint: these are original to the Peel House!

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