Nominees for Council

I’ve been a member of First Lutheran Church for 28 years. I’ve been married to my husband, Michael Anspach for 27 years. We have two amazing children, Katie and Alex, and have been foster parents to several children.
I have served as Little Lamb Sunday school teacher, volunteered at Habitat for Humanity, Care and Share, Marion House, Feed the Children and most recently, Vacation Bible School.
Prior to becoming a foster mom, I worked at Ent Credit Union for 23 years as a Financial Analyst, Accounting Manager, and Payment Systems Manager. I enjoyed my time at Ent, but when God gave my husband and me signs for me to resign, I followed His lead. It has been not easy, but it is a blessing to serve children in need.
I enjoy being with my family and friends, reading,traveling, geocaching, playing pickleball and watching movies.

My husband, Andrejs, and I moved to Colorado Springs from Valparaiso, IN in December 2022 and joined First Lutheran in February 2023. We have two sons, Michael in Colorado Springs, and Peter in Burnsville, MN.
After graduating from Purdue University with an accounting degree, I worked as a financial analyst for Chevron in San Francisco, and a financial analyst for Pittsburgh National Bank in Pittsburgh. I have volunteered as a tax preparer for 12 years for the IRS VITA program. I currently serve on the Finance Committee.
I have been an active member of Lutheran congregations in Indiana, California, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and South Carolina. As I continue to grow in my involvement at First Lutheran, I continue to learn of the ways First Lutheran is involved in the community, and I witness its focus on growing a healthy congregation. Sharing the love of Jesus with all will continue to bring God’s message of grace and promise to our community.

I have been a member of First Lutheran since 1990. I taught high school chemistry for nearly 30 years, and retired in 2017. I have been a handbell ringer here since I first became a member. I have served as a greeter, usher and member of the count team throughout the years. In addition, I have really enjoyed being able to be involved with some of the more social aspects of our congregation, especially the crafting group and serving as a Peel House host, since my retirement.

I joined First Lutheran Church shortly after moving to Colorado Springs in 1996. Over the years I have been an active member of the church. Ministries I have volunteered for include greeter, usher, Welcome Center host, reception host, IHN and member of the Church Council.
I am an Optometrist at Eye Associates of Colorado Springs. My husband Mark and I enjoy spending time at the lake, camping, skiing and visiting family.

Kiersten Lehmkuhl
I, along with my husband, own and operate a local exterior remodeling company. I am originally from Ohio, and lived in Virginia for 15 years before moving to Colorado Springs. My favorite things about First Lutheran are their incredible job of bringing the Christian life into the local community and all the amazing small groups they have to participate in, which makes it so easy to meet new and friendly people.

Cris Waters
I grew up in and was confirmed at First Lutheran back in the 80s and 90s. I went to college at Texas Christian University and remained in Texas for 25 years. I have a BFA in Ballet and a BA in English. My family and I moved back to Colorado Springs in 2018. My husband, Rick, works at Focus on the Family. We have two children; Ethan is 18 and Lucy is 14. I’ve worked for Thomson Reuters for 24 year, and I also work part-time at the Ballerina Boutique. I previously served on Church Council at St. Paul Lutheran in Fort Worth. I enjoy reading, baking, and gardening, and I love being back in a climate where you can actually enjoy being outdoors!

“Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited” Philippians 2:6 

This part of Philippians is likely a hymn used in worship by early Christians. It reveals an understanding of the Trinity before the doctrine was even formed. Who is Jesus? Jesus is the Christ. The Christ is united to God, but also emptied of God. That’s the paradox of Jesus. He was God but limited himself to become human and teach how to be human. What do we learn from Jesus that can shape how we behave, how we treat others, what we do with our lives? We continue our study of Philippians this week with chapter 2. 

Pastor Travis Norton

Looking for last week’s worship? You can find it here!

“I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6 

I’m excited to study Paul’s letter to the Philippians with you for the next 4 weeks. I love this letter because it is so clear that Paul loves the Philippians. He writes without any major controversy to discuss, just to generally encourage them to hold fast to the faith. Our sermon series is named “Hold Fast” for that reason. I like it too because I love First Lutheran and am excited to share some encouragement with you from the scriptures. Keep doing what you are doing. Keep loving one another and reaching out into the world with Christ’s love. I am confident that your work will continue to bear fruit as God uses this congregation to strengthen our faith and bless our world.

Pastor Travis Norton

Looking for last week’s worship? You can find it here!

Pastor Carrie Baylis

Exodus 14: 19-31

Can you think of a time in your life when something that happened was completely unexplainable except by the will of God?  I know that’s a pretty big question to consider, but how many times has the Spirit moved and you just knew that it was nothing you did and it was all about God.  That is the experience that we’re going to take a look at this week.  The seas part and God delivers his people out of the land of Egypt.  For the Israelites (and Pharaoh’s people) this is the time that the message is delivered again that they shall “know I am the Lord.”  When did you come to know the Lord?  With chaos behind and chaos ahead, the only path to be taken is God’s.

-Pastor Carrie Baylis

Looking for last weeks worship? You can find it here!

“The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12:13 

It’s an old, old story and it sounds old, this story of the Passover. Animal sacrifices, blood painted on door posts, the God of the Hebrews vs. the Egyptian gods. Yet it is a story that gives shape to our Christian faith. Or rather, it is a story that was used by Jesus to help his people understand what he was sent by God to do. Jesus’ blood is the sign for us, the salvation for us. This Sunday we will study the Passover and how it is echoed in the work of Jesus on the cross.  .  

Pastor Travis Norton

Looking for last week’s worship? You can find it here!

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