I’m actually not preaching this week, Lori Duncan is. Lori is on staff here and has a theology degree from Denver Seminary. She is currently discerning ordained ministry and working with the candidacy committee for the Rocky Mountain Synod to determine next steps. I’ve been working with Lori for the past couple of months on preaching and I invited her to deliver the sermon for this Sunday, July 30. She’s preaching on the parables of Jesus from Matthew 13. Jesus says “the kingdom of heaven is like yeast that woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened.” That parable is just one sentence! Come on Sunday and hear a great take on how Jesus works within us for the sake of the world.

Pastor Travis Norton

Looking for last week’s worship? You can find it here!

VBS at First Lutheran

Vacation Bible School or VBS was a BLAST this year! We had so many kids from preschool to rising 5th graders join us for Change Makers Lab. We sang, dance, created, played and experimented!

Click here if you’d like to see a video of the week!

We can’t wait to see each and every one of you back in 2024! If you’d like to be emailed once registration is open, sign up here.

“The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil.” Matthew 13:41

We have a tough parable this week about God’s judgement at the end of time. But there’s a twist, like in all of Jesus’ parables. The twist is that even though there are evil ones among us, doing the work of the evil one, we are not to judge them. What does it look like to wait for God’s judgement? Jesus teaches us to trust in God’s final work and be patient until that day comes. How do we do this? We’ll talk more on Sunday.

Pastor Travis Norton

Looking for last week’s worship? You can find it here!

-Pastor Travis Norton

“And Jesus told them many things in parables, saying; “Listen!” Matthew 13:3

We begin a new sermon series this week on the stories Jesus made up to teach the truth about God and God’s kingdom. I wonder if Jesus would compose these stories on his long walks between cities. He took inspiration from the things around him, farmers sowing seeds is the image this week. But the stories had to be interesting, to keep people’s attention and help them remember the truth he was trying to convey. So, in the parables, there is almost always a twist. What do you think the twist is this week? A farmer plants seeds, scattering them on the ground, the hard ground, the rocky  ground, the thorny ground and the good ground. If you’re a farmer, you already know there’s somethign not quite right about this story? We’ll talk more on Sunday.

Pastor Travis Norton

Looking for last week’s worship? You can find it here!

-Pastor Travis Norton

Pastor Carrie Baylis

July 4, 2023
Matthew 11:11-19, 25-30

Certainly the most remembered part of this scripture is the last few verses when Jesus says: “Come to me, all you who are weary…”  It is a comforting last few verses of the chapter knowing that Jesus comes alongside of us in our daily lives and in our service to others and discipleship. That translation that I referenced above is the most common.

But what I really love is another translation from “The Message”.  In the same verses the scripture is translated to say: “Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Wow! I love the idea or even the image of what the unforced rhythms of grace look like and lead us to in our daily lives.  When something is “unforced” it should remove the burden or barrier for us and opens us up to see things as gift.  Where can we listen and watch for the unforced rhythms of grace and let them lead us to living freely and lightly in the Kingdom of God?

-Pastor Carrie Baylis

Looking for last weeks worship? You can find it here!

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