Pastor Carrie Baylis

Mark 1: 9-15

“…with you I am well pleased.”  These are the words that I live to hear.  I want to know that I have pleased those around me, that I have pleased God. 

For us, for me, I think I need to remember that being pleasing isn’t the equivalent of being perfect.  I’ll never be perfect, but it doesn’t mean I won’t be enough either.  And it doesn’t mean that we’ll be “pleasing” all the time.  We are God’s beloved children; how can we live into that in ways that are well pleasing.  I think people will often do a really good job living into what others have named them.  If an adult is always telling a child how naughty they are, the child lives into it.  If we can tell each other that we are beloved and pleasing hopefully we can find truthful, authentic, and lifegiving ways to live into that. 

As we enter into this season of Lent, I hope we can find the ways and the places that God breaks through and reminds us that we are pleasing to Him.  And that in that affirmation we can also freely open ourselves up to repent of all that is not pleasing knowing that we are enough because God loves us first.

-Pastor Carrie Baylis

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